Where has March gone? I realized I have only posted one blog during the elusive month of March, but that doesn't mean topics weren't on my mind.... I thought about blogging about those stupid things Mom's put in their grocery carts to drape the seat so their baby is comfortable? Doesn't get germs? I don't get those nor do I like them. When I see them I think my skin hurts. I was also going to blog about how much I love my little family of five. I enjoy them all in their own ways. Rob is so loving, Eden is a ray of sunshine, Canaan is cuddly and Judah is a joy and LOVES his big brother and sister. They make my day complete and I find much happiness in them. I was also thinking about posing the question, why do pagans celebrate Easter? It doesn't make sense to me why someone who isn't a Christian would even want to celebrate it...? The mere sight of bunnies and eggs and baskets and candy and fake grass just make me cringe. I want no part of that. I would rather be more purposeful in my parenting (& life), and really focus on the true meaning of Easter and for that matter, everything! What are pagans doing on Easter Sunday anyways? sigh. I could blog about my baby being 1 in two weeks! I told Rob it's time to have another, we'll see how it goes ;-)
Well, I'll think of something really good and get back to this blog thing.
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